Sober, Proven Instructions Crush Modern 'Classical' Misinterpretations
"Don't let algorithms chart your way-of-going.'.....When facing the horse moronintelligensia, rely on the timeless ODG instructions and...
Sober, Proven Instructions Crush Modern 'Classical' Misinterpretations
Don't get ready for the 4th of July on the 3rd of July
How does"Ride Verbatim" preserve proven horsemanship ?
Rule #1: Horsemen’s Horsemanship First Principle "Navigare necesse est"
$100,000 riding lesson. Simplest Horsemanship
The HORSEMAN'S HAND: The SOFT HAND is the "Hollow Fist"
"Where are you sitting?"
We bought a frantic horse on a windswept day